Cwm Taf University Health Board

AdvertisingCampaignDigitalDigital MarketingSocial Media CampaignsVideo Production & Motion Graphics
Recruitment Awareness Campaign Project For Cwm Taf University

The Brief

Recruitment of NHS staff is a UK wide problem with health boards across Wales and the wider UK competing to attract a limited workforce. Having previously relied on traditional recruitment methods, which had been proving to be stale and unsuccessful, jamjar worked with Cwm Taf University Health Board to deliver an innovative recruitment campaign targeting both doctors in the UK and doctors from overseas.

What we did

We started by distributing online surveys and holding focus groups with doctors at Cwm Taf, as well as outside of the health board, to get an insight into our target audience.

The insight revealed that when medical staff from outside of Cwm Taf are looking for jobs it’s the role itself, career progression and the location of the health board that is important to them.

While Cwm Taf staff identified that what they liked about working for the health board was the camaraderie amongst the team, the community spirit and career progression.

Reflecting the above, we developed a campaign concept and strapline that centred on the letter C:

‘C is for….Cwm Taf UHB. Care to join us?’

Messaging was developed with Cwm Taf’s workforce and communications teams focussing on Cwm Taf’s:

  • Camaraderie, caring and close-knit teams
  • Culture of supporting and empowering staff
  • Community spirit that is inherent of the South Wales valleys
  • Cutting-edge facilities
  • Location close to the city, coast and countryside
  • Continuous professional development and career progression opportunities.

Our research dictated that digital communications was going to be the most effective way to reach our target audience.

Utilising the concept, we created content for which is where all internet traffic was directed. It was the main shop window for selling the benefits of working for Cwm Taf and highlighted current jobs.

In what we believe is a first for a UK health board, we created a 360-degree video to give potential new recruits the chance to get a glimpse of what Cwm Taf has to offer.

We then used Cwm Taf’s biggest selling point its staff to capture additional video content and photography, choosing ‘champions’ in roles which are notoriously hard to fill.

8 case study videos and an overarching campaign video ‘C is for….’ were created.

Tactics for the campaign included:

    • Targeted advertising via Youtube – identified from our research as the main channel for viewing medical related videos
    • Social media campaign on Facebook and Twitter – identified as the main social channels used by our target audience
    • Sky Go – because our insight revealed that our target audience enjoy watching programmes including Walking Dead and The Wire on demand
    • Google display network remarketing and managed placement advertising – giving us full control in hand-picking which websites we wanted our ads to be displayed on
    • Regular blog content for the campaign microsite

What we achieved

The campaign was viewed by over 6m people, including over 200,000 video views.

  • Google advertising generated
    • 14,108 clicks
    • 5,041,555 impressions
    • 681 conversions
  • Sky Go advertising generated
    • 162,287 impressions
    • 6,011 clicks
    • 94% of people viewed the full advert
  • Social media generated
    • 763,470 combined reach
    • 5,656 reactions
    • 12,401 clicks

What this meant for our client

There has been a 53% increase in applications for hard to fill jobs that were previously listed several times prior to the campaign – 56% of applications from UK-based medical staff, 44% from overseas.

To date Cwm Taf has successfully filled 16 hard to reach posts, including one job which had been advertised 6 times.

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