First 1000 Days

Public Health Wales
DigitalGraphic Design & PrintVideo Production & Motion Graphics

Background and brief

Parenting plays a key role in influencing children’s current and long-term outcomes and the wellbeing of future generations.

The first 1000 days, during pregnancy and up to the child’s second birthday, is a period of rapid development.

There is a strong body of evidence that shows our earliest experiences shape our developing brain and create the foundations for future health, wellbeing and learning. During the first 1000 days parents are the primary influence on their child’s early exposures, experiences and development. Confident, resilient and positive parenting is associated with improved outcomes for children now and into their future. Action to support parents in their parenting role is essential to give all children the best start in life. Public Health Wales commissioned jamjar to create an explainer animation aimed at professionals working with parents.

As a result of seeing the animation, Public Health Wales wanted the audience to think:

  • This is an important subject and change is needed
  • It is relevant for them
  • Meaningful change is possible
  • They have an important role in influencing change

They wanted the audience to feel:

  • Inspired
  • Enthusiastic
  • Positive

Additionally, they wanted the audience take action to:

  • Think about how their work might impact parents and parenting
  • Discuss and share ideas with colleagues
  • Identify areas where they could influence change
  • Initiate and implement change

What we did

We worked closely with Public Health Wales to understand its parenting model of support. We used this to develop key messages that needed to be communicated to our target audience. From our conversations with Public Health Wales, they likened the support that parents needed to a seed that needed water, nutrients and sunlight in order to grow. We used this analogy as a way of visualising our message.

We then created a bilingual animation using the following process:

  • Scripting and translating
  • Storyboarding
  • Sourcing and recording voiceovers
  • Creating graphics
  • Animating
  • Subtitling

The end result