Be Positive, Not Perfect

BrandingCampaignCopywritingDigital MarketingWebsite Design
Be Positive Logo Animated Communication Project

The Brief

Following a Wavehill report commissioned by Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, jamjar was appointed to develop a multi-channelled bilingual campaign around parental engagement.

Campaign aims:

  • To encourage positive relationships between parent-child and parent-parent
  • Increase parents/carers’ confidence in dealing with behaviour
  • Promote a positive and supportive home learning environment
  • Signpost to support services available locally.
Bilingual Communication Project Be Positive Photos

In developing the campaign, we were conscious of several things:

  • Parents are bombarded with advice and information
  • There’s a stigma attached to accessing parental support services for fear of being judged as a ‘bad parent’
  • Previous marketing focussed on parenting ‘deficiency’ which was not well received

Following focus groups with the target audience we developed the campaign concept – be positive, not perfect with the message ‘as parents we’re all trying to find our way and do what’s best for our children. Nobody gets it right all the time and that’s ok. It’s how you approach it that counts.’

Bilingual Communication Project merchandise Materials

What we did 

We developed a bilingual campaign and collateral including:

  • Logo
  • Promotional merchandise
  • Roller banners
  • Leaflet
  • Copy and visuals for Merthyr FIS website
  • Social media content
  • Digital adverts
  • Videos
Bilingual Communication Project Print Materials Creation
Bilingual Communication Project Digital Banner Creation

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