Connect Magazine – Sony UK Technology Centre

DigitalGraphic Design & Print

A brief background to the project

With the mass migration to digital media, we don’t get very many opportunities these days to design for print, but we were delighted when our long-standing client Sony UK Technology Centre (TEC) came to us wanting to refresh their internal magazine.

With a 600-strong workforce in Pencoed, Sony UK TEC uses its internal magazine, Connect, to keep employees engaged, informed and excited to be a part of its company.

The magazine includes updates from the site’s Managing Director, its departments and its committees, covering everything from welcoming new starters, reporting on recent successes and updating on charity initiatives.

The work we delivered

  • Created a fresh new look and bold style for its employee magazine.
  • Introduced new colour palette and iconography, with each department having its own colour and icon to differentiate its content.
  • Supported internal team in editing copy.
  • Formatted the 50-page document.